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Long evening of student counseling


In a very practical and realistic way, it deals with important details such as requirements for individual study programs, alternatives to the desired study place and who you can turn to with your individual questions and concerns.

What you can expect

The event is primarily aimed at prospective students who have questions about studying, for example:

  • Does a degree program suit me?
  • Which study program suits my interests and abilities?
  • What requirements do I need to fulfill? How do I apply?
  • Who should I contact?
  • What alternatives are there if I don't get my desired study place?

The advisory services in detail:

You can take advantage of all offers without prior registration.

We look forward to your visit!

Nationwide campaign

This offer is part of the state-wide campaign "Long Evening of Student Advisory Services", in which Central Student Advisory Services (ZSB) of many universities throughout NRW participate. The organizer for Fachhochschule Dortmund is the Central Student Advisory Services (ZSB).

Contact person for queries:

Portrait von Anne Heers __ Portrait of Anne Heers
Anne Heers, M.A.
Office hours



Central Student Advisory Services (ZSB) at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts


Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 23, Foyer

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