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Networks open doors, create opportunities and generate innovations through cooperation and exchange. We are integrated into various well-established regional networks. Please feel free to contact us.

As a partner in the greenhouse.ruhr  scholarship program, we support innovative social and ecological start-up projects.

As part of start2grow , numerous members of the UAS take on roles as mentors, reviewers or experts.

Networking with the Startercenters NRW Westfälisches Ruhrgebiet  takes place in particular via the Gründerstipendium NRW, in which we are part of the jury and offer coaching.

We are also represented on the steering committee of the Roundtable Startup - Mittelstand , which brings together start-ups and medium-sized companies. This is where experience and resources meet innovative ideas and technologies.

Selection of cooperation partners/network

  • Dortmund Economic Development Agency
  • Dortmund Technology Center
  • Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Dortmund Chamber of Crafts
  • TU Dortmund University
  • Hamm Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences
  • Bochum University of Applied Sciences
  • Westphalian University of Applied Sciences
  • NRW.Bank

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