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Prof. Dr. Marcel René Marburger

Fast facts

About the person


Marcel René Marburger (Prof. Dr.) is a Cologne-based media, design and art scholar. He studied art history, German studies and philosophy at the University of Cologne and wrote his doctoral thesis on the aesthetic relevance of Vilém Flusser's writings. After a journalistic traineeship, he was a research assistant at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne, co-curator of the Simultanhalle in Cologne, lecturer at the Dresden University of Fine Arts, research assistant at the University of Potsdam and research assistant and lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts. From 2007 to 2010, he was scientific director of the _Vilém_Flusser_Archive, and from 2005 he was co-editor of the International Flusser Lectures. In 2015/16 he held the Chair of Media Technology at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts and in 2016-2019 the Chair of Design and Cultural Studies at Fachhochschule Dortmund. Since 2019, he has been a full professor of design studies at the Faculty of Design at Fachhochschule Dortmund.



Anthology contribution

Book publications (selection)


Thom Kubli. Black Hole Horizon
(with Thom Kubli), Kunstverein Ingolstadt (ed.), Ingolstadt 2015

The Fly Tuesday, Cologne: Edition_, 2015

Flusser and the arts, Cologne: Edition_, 2011

Homo Bellicus (with Patricia Bucher), Cologne: Snoek-Verlag, 2011

Helge Jansen: The Sleepers and Time,
Exhibition catalog of the Soester Kunstverein, Cologne: arthellweg, 2007


Re:vue, Photographic Studies #8 (ed. with Anne Braune, Marcus Heine and others), Dortmund, 2019
Weiser, Cologne: Edition_, 2018

Grenzen der Fotografie, magazine, (ed. with Dirk Gebhardt), Dortmund, 2017

Graham Harman, The Revenge of the Surface. Heidegger, McLuhan, Greenberg (ed. with Daniel Irrgang and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2015

Thomas Düllo, Deviation and digression. Versuch über die narrative Drift, (ed. with Daniel Irrgang and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2015

Alan Shapiro, Die Software der Zukunft, oder Das Modell geht der Realität voraus (ed. with Daniel Irrgang and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2014

Siegfried Zielinski, Over the Head. Projecting Archaeology and Variantology of Arts and Media, Cologne: Edition_, 2014

Knut Ebeling, "quote /unquote". Kleine Archäologie der Operatoren, (ed. with Daniel Irrgang and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2013

Heinz Emigholz, Zeichnung oder Film (ed. with Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2013

Florian Rötzer, Is life a game? Aspekte einer Philosophie des Spiels und eines Denkens ohne Fundamente (ed. with Claudia Becker and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2013

Nils Röller, Bodies of Sensation. On Indirect Experience (ed. with Claudia Becker and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2012

Anke Finger, The Art of Migration (ed. with Claudia Becker and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2011

Siegfried Zielinski, Entwerfen und Entbergen (ed. with Claudia Becker), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2010

Alexander R. Galloway, Außer Betrieb: Das mü.ige Interface (ed. with Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2010

Rainer Guldin, "Cloud formations [...] from the haze of possibilities." On the Nubian Imagination (ed. with Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2009

Dietmar Kamper, Körper-Abstraktionen (ed. with Silvia Wagnermeier and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2008 (first edition 1999)

Paola Bozzi, "Durch fabelhaftes Denken": Evolution, Gedankenexperiment, Science und Fiction(ed. with Silvia Wagnermeier and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2008

Klaus Theweleit, Transference, Countertransference, Third Body (ed. with Silvia Wagnermaier and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2007

Christoph Asendorf, Knoten des zwischenmenschlichen Netzes (ed. with Silvia Wagnermaier and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2007

Norval Baitello Jr, Flusser's Gluttony (ed. with Silvia Wagnermaier and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2007

Hinderk M. Emrich, "What avatars and angels can tell us...". (ed. with Silvia Wagnermaier and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2006

Peter Weibel, Time Slot (ed. with Silvia Wagnermaier and Siegfried Zielinski), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2005

In Between - The Mediation of Art (ed. with Renate Buschmann and Friedrich Weltzien), Berlin: Reimer Verlag, 2005

Articles (selection)

52 The Art of Resistance: On Contemporary Responsibility of Art and Design,-in: Design & Activism, (ed. by Tom Bieling), London/Milano: Mimesis International, 2019, pp. 205-210

51 Critique of Superficiality, in: Butterland. Delusion of Photography, (ed. by Susanne Brügger), Dortmund: 2019, pp. V-XI

50. photo/dialogues, in: Re:vue, Photographic Studies #8 2019 (ed. by Marcel René Marburger, Anne Braune, Marcus Heine and others), Dortmund, 2019, pp. 28-30

49. photophenomenology: points of view, in: European Photography, No. 103, 2018, pp. 3-4

48 Marburger/Weiser: Conversation, in: Weiser (ed. by Marcel René Marburger), Cologne: Edition_, 2018, pp. 112-159

47 In the invisible space. The gestures of Johannes Nagel, in: Johannes Nagel. Trial and Error, Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2018, pp. 10-19

46 Mindmap, in: Grenzen der Fotografie, magazine (ed. by Dirk Gebhardt and Marcel René Marburger), Dortmund: 2017, pp. 14-15

45 Yvonne Klasen: out loud, in: licht teilen. P: lux (ed. by Robert Simon and Julia Otto for the Kunstmuseum Celle), Celle 2017, pp. 60-62

44 Media are not solutions, but representations of the problem itself, in: Wolfgang Ullrich & Lambert Wiesing (eds.), Große Sätze machen. On Bazon Brock, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016, pp. 80-84

43 From Science to Fiction. Considering Vilém Flusser as an Artist, in: Flusserstudies 22, 2016 (http://www.flusserstudies.net)

42 Flusser and the arts, or: "Art exhibitions are, hopefully, coming to an end", in: Bodenlos - Flusser und die Künste (ed. Siegfried Zielinski and Daniel Irrgang), Berlin: Akademie der Künste, 2015, pp. 21-22

41 The Art of Resistance: From Communication to Action, in: Design and War (ed. by Martin Scholz and Friedrich Weltzien), Berlin: Reimer 2015, pp. 297-306

40 Vilém Flusser: A Biografie / Eine Biografie / Uma Biografia (with Daniel Irrgang), in: Flusseriana (ed. by Peter Weibel and Siegfried Zielinski), Karlsruhe 2015, pp. 452-519

39 Artwork/Kunstwerk/Obra de Arte, in: Flusseriana (ed. by Peter Weibel and Siegfried Zielinski), Karlsruhe 2015, pp. 64-67

38. exhibition / Ausstellung / Exposição, in: Flusseriana (ed. by Peter Weibel and Siegfried Zielinski), Karlsruhe 2015, pp. 174-177

37 School/Schule/Escola, in: Flusseriana (ed. by Peter Weibel and Siegfried Zielinski), Karlsruhe 2015, pp. 354-355

36 Do you like it? Die Inszenierung des Sozialen, in: Staging and Politics. Scenography in the Social Field (ed. by Ralf Bohn and Heiner Wilharm), Bielefeld: Transcript 2015, pp. 197-214

35 Dear App Review Team, in: Cahiers (ed. by the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts), Dortmund 2015, pp. 54-55

34. insights into the unknown. Thom Kubli's Black Hole Horizon, in: Thom Kubli. Black Hole Horizon, Kunstverein Ingolstadt (ed.), Ingolstadt 2015, pp. 6-23

33 Edith Flusser: Exposures. Encounter with a Nomad (with Rocco Pagel), in: Kolik. Film. Special Issue 23, March 2015, pp. 72-76

32 Deconstruction as construction: Herwig Weiser. Government Building, in: The Artistic Intervention of the Self ..., Austrian Cultural Forum (ed.), Moscow, 2014, pp. 102-103 (Russian and English version)

31 Vilém Flusser. Catch me if you can, in: AnArchive(s). Eine minimale Enzyklopädie zur Archäologie und Variantologie der Künste und Medien (edited by Claudia Giannetti for the Edith Russ Haus für Medienkunst), Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2014

30 From Perception to Projection: On the Future of Technical Images, in: Heterogenous Objects. Intermedia and Photography after Modernism (ed. by Raphael Pirenne and Alexander Streitberger), Lieven Gevaert Series, University of Leuven Press: Leuven, 2013

29 Creativiteit, informatie en de dood van de auteur, in: De Witte Raaf 163, Brussel: May, June 2013

28. cronologia de un fracaso curatorial, in: Flusser Studies 13, May 2012 (http://www.flusserstudies.net)

27 Runa Islam: This much is uncertain, in: Temporary Gallery Cologne (ed.), Spectrums of Light, Cologne 2011, pp. 15-17

26 Revealing and Concealing: Herwig Weiser's Ambiguous Cut Into Space of Conjecture, in: herwigweiser.net [2011/2017]; Chinese version in: Fan Di'An, Zhang Ga (eds.),Translife. International Triennial of New Media Art, Liverpool 2011, p. 171

25 Biography and Bibliography, in: Vilém Flusser, We shall survive in the memory of others, Cologne: Buchhandlung Walther König, 2010 [DVD]

24 Site of Dialogue: The Flusser Archive, in: European Photography, Spring/Summer 2010, p. 87

23 Movements in Mental Spaces: The SUVs, in: Hold it! The Art and Architecture of Public-Space-Bricolage-Resistance-Resources-Aesthetics of Folke Köbberling and Martin Kaltwasser, Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH, 2009, pp. 226-227

22 Dialogue as an act of creation.creativity in communicological terms,
in: Oliver Fahle, Michael Hanke, Andreas Ziemann (eds.), Technobilder und Kommunikologie. The Media Theory of Vilém Flusser, Berlin 2009, pp. 107-119

21 SUV, in: HDA Gazette, Graz September/December 2008, pp. 7-8

20. brochure on the symposium "IN:FORM: Vilém Flusser on Design" (http://archived.janvaneyck.nl/0_2_3_events_info/arc_08_IN-FORM.html)

19 SUV. Exhibition catalog of the Simultanhalle Cologne, 2008

18. mediable. The Art History of Antje von Graevenitz (with Renate Buschmann and Friedrich Weltzien), in: Renate Buschmann, Marcel René Marburger, Friedrich Weltzien (eds.), Dazwischen. The Mediation of Art, Berlin: Reimer 2005, pp. 17-20

17 Nachsommer of Love. 40 Years of Haight Ashbury (with Brigitte Böttcher), in: Neon, December 2005

16. making a mark. Street art in Cologne, in: Viertel Vor, August 2000

15th M.A.I.S. - Painting, Action, Installation, Sculpture, in: Viertel Vor, May 2000

14. from horse to machine, in: Viertel Vor, February 2000

13. 30 years of the art market in Cologne. On the annual debates about Art Cologne, in: Viertel Vor, November 1999

12. Tokyo Schock. Contemporary art from Japan as a guest in Cologne, in: Viertel Vor, September 1999

11. today a king. Interview with Kasper König, in: Viertel Vor, August 1999

10. from Bauhaus to Deconstructivism, in: Viertel Vor, August 1999

9 Norman Junge: From painter's maneuver to children's book,
in: Viertel Vor, July 1999

8. sometimes less is more. Galerie Brehm in upheaval, in: Viertel Vor, June 1999

7. last exit art, in: Viertel Vor, June 1999

6. authentic: Digital Headhunting, in: Viertel Vor, April 1999

5. photographed landscape in a double pack:
August Sander and Jeff Wall at the SK Foundation,
in: Viertel Vor, March 1999

4th I love Cologne, in: Viertel Vor, March 1999

3 East 100th Street, New York. Bruce Davidson in Spanish Harlem, in: Viertel Vor, March 1999

2. Andreas Scholz. Variable Graphics and Play, in: Viertel Vor, January 1999

1. interview with Damo Suzuki, in: Viertel Vor, January 1999

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