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The Graduate Center on social media

The Graduate Center can now also be found on LinkedIn and Instagram!


There are many things to consider on the way to a doctorate. These range from organizational matters at the beginning of the doctorate, to the long period of research, to career prospects after a successful defense and publication. The doctoral period is characterized on the one hand by the fact that you can work intensively on a topic (usually) of your own choice. At the same time, you will be confronted with other increased demands, such as qualifications and networking, while also dealing with goals and challenges in your private life. To ensure that these diverse requirements do not present a test of endurance for you, we want to use our social media channels to explain these topics and show you how and where you can get support from us.

In addition to the official information available on our website and the ILIAS page, you can find various insights on our social media channels to raise awareness of doctorates. We present the requirements and forms of doctorates and how you can do them at Fachhochschule Dortmund. With our planned posts on the doctorate process, funding options, the supervision relationship and much more, we not only want to provide information, but also make a doctorate more tangible through personal examples of our doctoral candidates.

So far, the Graduate Center has presented its offers, goals and registration options as well as current workshop offers. In our current "get to know doctoral students and network" series, we will introduce you to two doctoral students or other people from our network every week and give you an insight into the doctorates currently underway at Fachhochschule Dortmund.

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