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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund



Essen Health Forum

Award for AutoPiLoT network


At the award ceremony (from left): Dr. Maria del Pilar Andrino (Essen.Gesund.Vernetzt. - Medizinische Gesellschaft), Dr. Cynthia Schmidt (IKIM), Prof. Dr. Jan Buer (University of Duisburg-Essen), Johannes Wutzkowsky (Fachhochschule Dortmund), Katrin Willi-Rock (opta data Group) and Prof. Dr. Peter Horn (ITM)

At the 9th Essen Health Forum "Essen.Gesund.Vernetzt.", the AutoPiLoT network, in which Fachhochschule Dortmund is also involved, received an award in the "Health and Science" category.

The award ceremony on 21 September 2024, endowed with 1000 euros, recognized the unique system developed by the network, which visualizes the storage and management of blood products for the University Medical Center Essen (UME). It also uses artificial intelligence to forecast future consumption, ensuring a constant overview of the blood product supply situation.

The abbreviation AutoPiLoT stands for "Automated guideline-compliant patient-specific blood product allocation and smart logistics management in transfusion medicine". Cooperation partners are the Faculty of Computer Science at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the Institute of Transfusion Medicine at UME in cooperation with the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (IKIM).

More efficient and safer

"AutoPiLoT uses state-of-the-art technologies to make the allocation of blood products not only more efficient but also safer," said laudator Katrin Willi-Rock (opta data Gruppe). In times of demographic change and high demand for blood products, AutoPiLoT is a visionary solution and a shining example of successful collaboration between science and practice.

The award was presented by Prof. Dr. Jan Buer, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Duisburg-Essen, to the Director of the Institute of Transfusion Medicine (ITM), Prof. Dr. Peter Horn, and the project participants Dr. Cynthia Schmidt (IKIM) and Johannes Wutzkowsky (research assistant at the Faculty of Computer Science at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts).


The Health Forum is organized by the association "Essen.Gesund.Vernetzt - Medizinische Gesellschaft(Opens in a new tab) " and the Essener Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft(Opens in a new tab) . The event serves as a platform for exchange between science, medicine and technology. The award is intended to emphasize the importance of innovation in the healthcare sector in order to meet future challenges.