Ulrike Brückner and Bianca Herlo open up new fields of action for designers beyond the commercial. The two professors set out to encourage designers to help shape a more liveable environment and society. Using countless examples from social design, independent art projects, protest actions and cooperative initiatives, they show that design is much more than websites and advertising, editorial and aesthetics. If design is no longer seen exclusively as a service, it can be a powerful tool: in shaping politics and society, the world we live in and the way we live together.
In the past, design was strongly geared towards creating needs and stimulating consumption. This concept of design stems from the spirit of the economic miracle and reached its peak in the era of the new economy, exuberant stock markets and neoliberal economic systems. Today, we look with horror at the "side effects" of these Business Studies: environmental destruction and climate crisis, the division of society and a dramatic gap between rich and poor as well as a strengthening of the radical political fringes. Time to break new ground!
Design and society are closely interrelated.
Design influences how people interact with each other and how they behave in the designed environment. This book paves the way for an understanding of design that focuses on the process in an open-ended and integrative way, is oriented towards togetherness and does not serve turbo capitalism.
Text: Verlga Hermann Schmidt