About the project
Running time:
Winter semester 2021/2022
What is it about?
In the Anatomical Size Comparison project, a virtual reality (VR) application has been developed that enables an intuitive comparison of the size of vessels in the human body. As the sizes of parts of the body are difficult to estimate, this application is intended to create a feeling for the proportions of nine different parts of the cardiovascular system. Through interactions that are not possible in the real world - so-called magical interactions - a feeling for the size of structures can be created. The representation of your own body - your own avatar - can be moved (teleported) to each of the vessels shown and scaled to the size of a single vessel. Changing the camera position makes it possible to compare the size of the avatar with the size of a vessel. Information such as the diameter, wall thickness and inner radius of a vessel can be called up using the selection technique (ray casting). The wall structure with its various layers is also displayed depending on the vessel, as each vessel is structured differently in order to optimally fulfill its task in the body.
How did it come about?
The anatomical size comparison project was carried out in the winter semester 2021/2022 as part of the elective module Extended Reality from the fifth semester of the Biomedical Engineering study program. The learning application developed for a virtual reality headset was created using the Unity game development environment.
Contact & Team
Students involved in the project
Nico Glombek
Matthis Hofmann