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Prof. Dr. Jan Cirullies

Professorship for Business administration, in particular supply chain management and digital logistics

Fast facts



  • Cirullies, J. (2016). Methodische Erweiterung des Supply Chain Designs zur Integration einer ökologischen Bewertung. Dortmund: Verlag Praxiswissen.
    Open publication

Anthology contribution

  • Klingebiel, K., Hackstein, L., & Cirullies, J. (2014). Ressourceneffiziente Logistik. In R. Neugebauer, Handbuch ressourcenorientierte Produktion (pp. 719–748). München: Hanser.
    Open publication
  • Cirullies, J., Klingebiel, K., & Scavarda, L. F. (2013). Integration of environmental criteria into simulation-based postponement decisions. In E. Pinheiro de Lima, Challenges for sustainable operations : planning, implementing and managing reverse networks ; 22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 22 ; July 28 - August 1, 2013 in Inguassu Falls, Brazil proceedings (pp. 336–342). Foz do Iguaçu: International Foundation for Production Research.
    Open publication
  • Parlings, M., Cirullies, J., & Klingebiel, K. (2013). A literature-based state of the art review on the identification and classification of supply chain design tasks. In E. Barrington-Light, J. Griffiths, & L. King, Disruptive supply network models in future industrial systems. Configuring for resilience and sustainability : 17th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium 19 and 20 September 2013, Cambridge; Symposium proceedings (pp. 407–422). Cambridge: Institute for Manufacturing, Department of Engineering.
    Open publication
  • Parlings, M., Klingebiel, K., & Cirullies, J. (2013). Determining phase transitions for aligning the supply chain strategy along early life cycle phases of product innovations. In B. Fynes & P. Coughlan, European Operations Management Association -EurOMA- : 20th EurOMA Conference 2013 - Operations Management at the Heart of the Recovery ; Dublin, Ireland, 7th-12th of June 2013 (p. ohne Seitenangabe-ohne Seitenangabe). Brüssel: EurOMA Secretariat. Retrieved from http://euroma2013.euroma-online.org/
    Open publication

Notes and references

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