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Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL)




Data workshop for the city of Schwerte


Marcel Mitas (left) and Philipp Heisig (right) present the basics of digitalization and Smart City to the participants.

On the first day of the two-day workshop series "Data Workshop" on digitalization and Smart City in Schwerte, the participants were offered an extensive programme. Under the expert guidance of Prof. Dr. Sabine Sachweh, Marcel Mitas and Philipp Heisig led the participants through the individual modules of the workshop.

After the introduction by Prof. Sachweh, Mr Heisig and Mr Mitas explained the basics of digitalization and Smart City to the participants in the first module. This focused in particular on the various areas of application and opportunities that can arise through digitalization. The participants were able to gain an overview of current developments and trends.

The second module focused on the topic of "Data in the IoT". Participants were introduced to the world of the Internet of Things and learned how data can be collected, analyzed and used by IoT systems. Using practical examples, the participants were able to learn how the networking of devices and machines can simplify work in various areas such as industry or city administration.

In the third module, the practical part of the workshop, participants had the opportunity to actively engage with the topic. Under the motto "Hands On IoT", they were able to get to grips with specific IoT solutions at various stations and try them out. The topics of data protection, data security and data privacy were also covered.

In the concluding Q&A section, the participants had the opportunity to ask open questions and exchange ideas with the experts. The most important points of the workshop were discussed once again and the participants received valuable tips for implementing digitalization projects in their working environment.

The first day of the workshop offered participants a comprehensive insight into the topics of digitalization and smart cities. With a wide range of topics and practical application examples, the participants were able to gain valuable knowledge and experience. We are looking forward to the second day of the workshop and look forward to further exciting insights into the world of digitalization and smart cities.