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The library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund

Library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund



Information & individual counseling

The library team will be happy to help you with questions about literature research and related topics. The best way to do this is in an individual consultation.

Feel free to contact us or make an appointment with us!

individual counseling

Do you have a term paper due and need help with your literature search? Would you like to use our RiO literature search engine more efficiently? Are you working with a specific subject database and need tips on the right research strategy? Would you like to use Citavi but don't really know how it works? We will be happy to help you! As part of individual counseling, we can answer your individual questions about literature research and the library's services.

Spontaneous help on site

Discuss your request in peace and quiet with a librarian from our team. At the Emil-Figge-Str. 44 location, this is always possible at the information desk from Monday to Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the lecture period. Just drop by!

Consultation appointments

You don't have time or the opportunity to come to Emil-Figge-Straße between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.? Or do you need support on Fridays or during the semester break? Then you can alternatively make an appointment with us. This can be done (by arrangement) either on site or online via Cisco Webex. We take up to 30 minutes for individual counseling (or more in exceptional cases).

To make an appointment, simply use our contact form and select "Appointment for individual counseling" as the subject. Please let us know in your request what kind of questions you have.

Further advisory services at Fachhochschule Dortmund