In his lecture,Prof. Chen Lei from the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, PR China, will explain the basics of Chinese painting and its development, including the relationship to calligraphy.
Chinese painting refers to the traditional Chinese painting method, which was originally simply called 'red and blue'. The tools and materials used are the brush, paper and inkstone. Thematically, Chinese painting can be divided into people, landscape and flower & bird painting. The expressive styles of painting can be divided into black and white, color, pale and sketching. The artist expresses his personal understanding of the interplay of nature, society, philosophy, religion and virtue with the chosen subject and method.
The lecture will be held in Chinese with simultaneous translation into German.
The guest lecture will take place as part of this year's International Week at Fachhochschule Dortmund (Opens in a new tab) .
All interested parties are cordially invited to attend!
Online-Veranstaltung via WebEx
For access to the event on 16.11. please click here.